In Public Space No. 6.1
در فضای عمومی شماره ۶.۱

تومان 100.000

“In Public Space” is an open group (with no restrictions on entry or exit) with the aim of creating a focus, contemplation, collaboration, and experience for those interested in communicating and interacting with the public spaces of the city through visual elements. The group has been working in a decentralized manner since summer 2017, and the book/booklet is a presentation of its sixth experience.
Ali Jafarnejad – Simin Yaghoobi – Amir Farsijani – Sepehr Khalili – Mina Ghorbani – Alireza Mohammadi


“Tracts”  are the paper advertisements, which are cheap, printed in high circulation, and distributed on the streets. Each participant sent a text that they had written themselves or received from somewhere to the practice inspector. They sent each of the texts to another participant so that the second person would, as appropriate, select or draw an image and send it back. Now every text and image sent (each of which was supposed to be on one side of a tract) was sent by the practice inspector to another one, making the third person responsible for printing and distributing the tracts. So each sheet was produced and presented by someone with at least one side designated by someone else. Each sheet was printed in 1,000 copies, 112 of which were considered to be used for producing this booklet at the same number, and the rest was distributed on the street.


This booklet produced in late summer 2019 in 112 copies. 57 of them belong to the participants, and the other half is for selling and making money for the next practice and presenting the group also.

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